IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007
Climate Change 2007: Working Group II: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability New findings since TAR

New Knowledge: Plant community structure is modified by elevated CO2 and climate change.

Grasslands consisting of fast-growing, often short lived species, are sensitive to CO2 and climate change, with the impacts related to the stability and resilience of plant communities (Mitchell and Csillag, 2001). Experiments support the concept of rapid changes in species composition and diversity under climate change. For instance, in a Mediterranean annual grassland after three years of experimental manipulation, plant diversity decreased with elevated CO2 and nitrogen deposition, increased with elevated precipitation and showed no significant effect from warming (Zavaleta et al., 2003). Diversity responses to both single and combined global change treatments were driven mainly by significant gains and losses of forb[1] species (Zavaleta et al., 2003). Elevated CO2 influences plant species composition partly through changes in the pattern of seedling recruitment (Edwards et al., 2001). For sown mixtures, the TAR indicated that elevated CO2 increased legume development. This finding has been confirmed (Luscher et al., 2005) and extended to temperate semi-natural grasslands using free air CO2 enrichment (Teyssonneyre et al., 2002; Ross et al., 2004). Other factors such as low phosphorus availability and low herbage use (Teyssonneyre et al., 2002) may, however, prevent this increase in legumes under high CO2.

How to extrapolate these findings is still unclear. A recent simulation of 1,350 European plant species based on plant species distribution envelopes predicted that half of these species will become classified as ‘vulnerable’ or ‘endangered’ by the year 2080 due to rising temperature and changes in precipitation (Thuiller et al., 2005) (see Chapter 4). Nevertheless, such empirical model predictions have low confidence as they do not capture the complex interactions with management factors (e.g., grazing, cutting and fertiliser supply).

New Knowledge: Changes in forage quality and grazing behaviour are confirmed.

Animal requirements for crude proteins from pasture range from 7 to 8% of ingested dry matter for animals at maintenance up to 24 % for the highest-producing dairy cows. In conditions of very low N status, possible reductions in crude proteins under elevated CO2 may put a system into a sub-maintenance level for animal performance (Milchunas et al., 2005). An increase in the legume content of swards may nevertheless compensate for the decline in protein content of the non-fixing plant species (Allard et al., 2003; Picon-Cochard et al., 2004). The decline under elevated CO2 (Polley et al., 2003) of C4 grasses, which are a less nutritious food resource than C3 (Ehleringer et al., 2002), may also compensate for the reduced protein content under elevated CO2. Yet the opposite is expected under associated temperature increases (see Section

Large areas of upland Britain are already colonised by relatively unpalatable plant species such as bracken, matt grass and tor grass. At elevated CO2 further changes may be expected in the dominance of these species, which could have detrimental effects on the nutritional value of extensive grasslands to grazing animals (Defra, 2000).

New Knowledge: Thermal stress reduces productivity, conception rates and is potentially life-threatening to livestock.

The TAR indicated the negative role of heat stress for productivity. Because ingestion of food and feed is directly related to heat production, any decline in feed intake and/or energy density of the diet will reduce the amount of heat that needs to be dissipated by the animal. Mader and Davis (2004) confirm that the onset of a thermal challenge often results in declines in physical activity with associated declines in eating and grazing (for ruminants and other herbivores) activity. New models of animal energetics and nutrition (Parsons et al., 2001) have shown that high temperatures put a ceiling on dairy milk yield irrespective of feed intake. In the tropics, this ceiling reaches between half and one-third of the potential of the modern (Friesians) cow breeds. The energy deficit of this genotype will exceed that normally associated with the start of lactation, and decrease cow fertility, fitness and longevity (King et al., 2005).

Increases in air temperature and/or humidity have the potential to affect conception rates of domestic animals not adapted to those conditions. This is particularly the case for cattle, in which the primary breeding season occurs in the spring and summer months. Amundson et al. (2005) reported declines in conception rates of cattle (Bos taurus) for temperatures above 23.4°C and at high thermal heat index.

Production-response models for growing confined swine and beef cattle, and milk-producing dairy cattle, based on predicted climate outputs from GCM scenarios, have been developed by Frank et al. (2001). Across the entire USA, the percentage decrease in confined swine, beef and dairy milk production for the 2050 scenario averaged 1.2%, 2.0% and 2.2%, respectively, using the CGC (version 1) model and 0.9%, 0.7% and 2.1%, respectively, using the HadCM2 model.

New Knowledge: Increased climate variability and droughts may lead to livestock loss.

The impact on animal productivity due to increased variability in weather patterns will likely be far greater than effects associated with the average change in climatic conditions. Lack of prior conditioning to weather events most often results in catastrophic losses in confined cattle feedlots (Hahn et al., 2001), with economic losses from reduced cattle performance exceeding those associated with cattle death losses by several-fold (Mader, 2003).

Many of the world’s rangelands are affected by ENSO events. The TAR identified that these events are likely to intensify with climate change, with subsequent changes in vegetation and water availability (Gitay et al., 2001). In dry regions, there are risks that severe vegetation degeneration leads to positive feedbacks between soil degradation and reduced vegetation and rainfall, with corresponding loss of pastoral areas and farmlands (Zheng et al., 2002).

A number of studies in Africa (see Table 5.3) and in Mongolia (Batima, 2003) show a strong relationship between drought and animal death. Projected increased temperature, combined with reduced precipitation in some regions (e.g., Southern Africa) would lead to increased loss of domestic herbivores during extreme events in drought-prone areas. With increased heat stress in the future, water requirements for livestock will increase significantly compared with current conditions, so that overgrazing near watering points is likely to expand (Batima et al., 2005).

Table 5.3. Impacts on grasslands of incremental temperature change. (EXP = experiment; SIM = simulation without explicit reference to a SRES scenario; GMT = global mean temperature.)

Local temperature change  Sub-sector  Region  Impact trends  Sign of impact  Scenario/Experiment  Source 



Pastures and livestock




Alleviation of cold limitation

increasing productivity

Increased heat stress for livestock









Parsons et al., 2001

Riedo et al., 2001

Turnpenny et al., 2001




Semi-arid and Mediterranean


No increase in net primary productivity






Shaw et al., 2002

Dukes et al., 2005




Pastures and livestock




Neutral to small positive effect (depending on GMT)


0 to +




Parsons et al., 2001

Riedo et al., 2001






Negative on swine and

confined cattle







Frank and Dugas, 2001




Semi-arid and Mediterranean


Productivity decline

Reduced ewe weight and

pasture growth

More animal heat stress





HadCM3 A2 and B2


Howden et al., 1999

Batima et al., 2005






No effect (no rainfall change assumed)

More animal heat stress


- to 0





Newman et al., 2001

Volder et al., 2004


  1. ^  Forb: a broad-leaved herb other than grass.