Technical Papers are prepared on topics for which an objective international scientific/technical perspective is essential.
They are based on material already in the IPCC Assessment Reports and Special Reports and are not accepted, approved or adopted by Working Groups or the Panel.
They are finalized in consultation with the Bureau, which functions as an editorial board.
Climate Change and Water
IPCC Technical Paper VI - June 2008
Bates, B.C., Z.W. Kundzewicz, S. Wu and J.P. Palutikof, Eds.
IPCC Secretariat, Geneva, 210 pp.
Available from IPCC Secretariat
| Chinese
| English
| French
| Russian
| Spanish
Climate Change and Biodiversity
Technical Paper V - April 2002
H Gitay, A Suárez, RT.Watson, DJ
Dokken (Eds).
IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland. pp 85.
Available from IPCC Secretariat (English
| French
| Spanish
Implications of Proposed CO2 Emissions Limitations
IPCC Technical Paper IV - October 1997
JT Houghton, LG Meira Filho, DJ Griggs
and M Noguer (Eds).
IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland. pp 41.
Available from IPCC Secretariat
| French
| Spanish
Stabilization of Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases: Physical, Biological and Socio-economic Implications
IPCC Technical Paper III - February 1997
JT Houghton, LG Meira Filho, DJ Griggs
and K Maskell (Eds).
IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland. pp 52
Available from IPCC Secretariat (English
and Spanish OUT OF PRINT)
| French
| Spanish
An Introduction to Simple Climate Models used in the IPCC Second Assessment Report
IPCC Technical Paper II - February 1997
JT Houghton, LG Meira Filho, DJ Griggs
and K Maskell (Eds).
IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland. pp 51
Available from IPCC Secretariat (OUT OF PRINT)
| French
| Spanish
Technologies, Policies and Measures for Mitigating Climate Change
IPCC Technical Paper I - November 1996
RT Watson, MC Zinyowera, RH Moss (Eds).
IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland. pp 84.
Available from IPCC Secretariat (English
and Spanish OUT OF PRINT)
| French
| Spanish