IPCC First Assessment Report (FAR)

Climate Change: The IPCC Scientific Assessment (1990)

Report prepared for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change by Working Group I
J.T. Houghton, G.J. Jenkins and J.J. Ephraums (eds.).
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Great Britain, New York, NY, USA and Melbourne, Australia
410 pp.


Digitized by the Digitization and Microform Unit, UNOG Library, 2010


Contents (PDF version)


Cover (Front & Back)

Front matters

Policymakers Summary


Chapter 1 - Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols

Chapter 2 - Radiative Forcing of Climate

Chapter 3 - Processes and Modelling

Chapter 4 - Validation of Climate Models

Chapter 5 - Equilibrium Climate Change - and its Implications for the Future

Chapter 6 - Time-Dependent Greenhouse-Gas-Induced Climate Change

Chapter 7 - Observed Climate Variations and Change

Chapter 8 - Detection of the Greenhouse Effect in the Observations

Chapter 9 - Sea Level Rise

Chapter 10 - Effects on Ecosystems

Chapter 11 - Narrowing the Uncertainties: A Scientific Action Plan for Improved Prediction of Global
                         Climate Change

Annex - Climatic consequences of emissions

Appendix 1 - Emissions Scenarios from the Response Strategies Working Group of the IPCC

Appendix 2 - Organisation of lPCC and WG I

Appendix 3 - Contributors to IPCC WG I Report

Appendix 4 - Reviewers of IPCC WG I Report

Appendix 5 - Acronyms: Institutions

Appendix 6 - Acronyms: Programmes & Miscellaneous

Appendix 7 - Units

Appendix 8 - Chemical Symbols


Full Report (29,44 MB)