Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer

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11: Agricultural Sector

Executive Summary

11.1 Introduction

11.1.1 Special Character of Agriculture
11.1.2 Objectives of this Chapter

11.2 Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Technologies

11.2.1 Adaptation Technologies
11.2.2 Mitigation Technologies
11.2.3 Transferable Technologies for both Adaptation and Mitigation

11.3 Magnitude of Current and Future Technology Transfer

11.3.1 Global System for Agricultural Technology Transfer Already in Place
11.3.2 Yield Growth Critical to Climate Change Mitigation
11.3.3 Genetic Improvements Critical to Climate Adaptation
11.3.4 Current Limitations and Responses
11.3.5 Likely Conditions for Future Technology Transfer

11.4 Programmes, Policies, and other Interventions for Technology Transfer within a Country

11.4.1 Adoption Barriers/Constraints
11.4.2 Programmes and Policies to Encourage Technology Transfer

11.5 Programmes, Policies, and other Interventions for Technology Transfer between Countries

11.5.1 Barriers to Technology Transfer between Countries
11.5.2 Transferred Technologies
11.5.3 Programmes, Policies, and other Interventions for Technology Transfer between Countries

11.6 Lessons Learned


Coordinating Lead Author:
Lin Erda (China)

Lead Authors:
Carlos Clemente Cerri (Brazil), George Frisvold (USA), Katsuyuki Minami (Japan), Otto Doering (USA), Neil Sampson (USA), Paul Waggoner (USA)

Contributing Authors:
Don Plucknet (USA), Heinz Ulrich Neue (Germany), Karim Makarim (Indonesia), Kenneth Hubbard (USA), Li Jiusheng (China), Li Yu'e (China), Vernon Ruttan (USA)

Review Editor:
Walter Baethgen (Uruguay)

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