12: Forestry Sector
Executive Summary
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Technologies
12.2.1 Features of Forestry Mitigation Technologies
12.2.2 Climate Change Mitigation Technologies
12.3 Current and Emerging Pathways in Technology Transfer
12.3.1 Current Pathways
12.3.2 Emerging Pathways
12.3.3 Climate Mitigation Related Pathways
12.3.4 Generic Barriers to Technology Transfer
12.4 Technology Transfer within Countries
12.4.1 Technology Transfer within Annex I Countries
12.4.2 Technology Transfer within non-Annex I Countries
12.5 Technology Transfer between Countries
12.5.1 Technologies to be transferred
12.5.2 Barriers of Technical Capacity
12.5.3 Barriers of Credibility and Uncertainties in Mitigation
in the Forestry Sector
12.5.4 Technology Transfer between Annex I and non-Annex
I Countries
12.5.5 Technology Transfer among Annex I Countries
12.5.6 Technology Transfer among non-Annex I Countries
12.5.7 Institutional Mechanisms
12.5.8 Financial Mechanisms
12.6 Examples of Conditions and Policies that Facilitate
Technology Transfer
12.7 Adaptation
12.8 Lessons Learned
Coordinating Lead Author:
N. H. Ravindranath (India)
Lead Authors:
Philip M. Fearnside (USA), Willy Makundi (Tanzania), Omar Masera (Mexico),
Robert Dixon (USA)
Contributing Authors:
Kenneth Andrasko, Neil Byron (Australia), Antony DiNicola, (USA), Nandita
Mongia (India), P. Sudha (India)
Review Editor:
David Hall (UK)