5.6. Forests and Woodlands
Forests and woodlands2 provide many goods and services that society values,
including food, marketable timber and non-wood products (fuel, fiber, construction
material), medicines, biodiversity, regulation of biogeochemical cycles, soil
and water conservation (e.g., erosion prevention), carbon reservoirs, recreation,
research opportunities, and spiritual and cultural values. Forests play a key
role in the functioning of the biospherefor example, through carbon and
water cycles (the latter is discussed in Chapter 4)and
hence indirectly affect the provision of many other goods and services (Woodwell
and MacKenzie, 1995). Changes in global climate and atmospheric composition
are likely to have an impact on most of these goods and services, with significant
impacts on socioeconomic systems (Winnett, 1998).
Since the SAR, many studies have dealt with changes in the structure, composition,
and spatial patterns of forests (e.g., VEMAP Members, 1995; Smith et al., 1996a;
Bugmann, 1997; Shriner et al., 1998). The biogeochemical literature has focused
on the carbon cycle (e.g., Apps and Price, 1996; Fan et al., 1998; Steffen et
al., 1998; Tian et al., 1998; IPCC, 2000; Schimel et al., 2000). There is an
expectation that directed land-management practices can either increase or retain
carbon stocks in forests, thereby helping to mitigate increases in atmospheric
CO2 levels; this is discussed elsewhere (IPCC, 2000; see also TAR
WGIII Chapter 4 and TAR WGI
Chapter 3).
The influence of climate change on forests and associated goods and services
is difficult to separate from the influence of other global change pressures
such as atmospheric changes, land use, and land-use change resulting from human
activities. The State-Pressure-Impacts approach outlined in Section
5.1 is used here as a framework to examine interrelated responses to global
change and expected changes in supply of services from forests and woodlands
(see Table 5-1). In this section, the focus is on
some of the important pressures, impacts, and responses for three goods and
services provided by forests and woodland ecosystems: carbon, timber, and non-wood
goods and services. The impact on biodiversity in forests is covered in Sections
5.2 and 5.4. The state of the sector and the pressures
acting on it, as well as possible responses, impacts, and adaptation opportunities,
will differ among the regions of the world; here the focus is on global commonality.
5.6.1. Current Status and Trends
This section presents an overview of the current status and trends for forests
in general; specific regional trends are presented in some of the regional chapters
(Chapters 10-17).
The world's forests cover approximately 3,500 Mha (FAO, 1997a), or about
30% of the total land area (excluding Greenland and Antarctica). About 57% of
the world's forests, mostly tropical, are located in developing countries.
About 60% are located in seven countries (in order): the Russian Federation,
Brazil, Canada, the United States, China, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic
of Congo.
In 1995, plantation forests were estimated to cover 81 Mha (2.3% of total estimated
cover) in developing countries and about 80-100 Mha in developed countries
(FAO, 1997a). They play an important role, particularly in the production of
industrial roundwood and fuelwood, restoration of degraded lands, and provision
of non-wood products (FAO, 1997a). Some countries obtain 50-95% of their
industrial roundwood production from plantations that cover 1-17% of their
total forest area (Sedjo, 1999). In many developing countries, plantations often
occur as community woodlots, farm forests, and agroforestry operations.
Between 1980 and 1995, the area of the world's forests decreased by about 180
Mha (5% loss of total forest area in 15 years) as a result of human activities
(FAO, 1997a). About 200 Mha were converted to agriculture (subsistence agriculture,
cash crops, and ranching), but this loss was partially offset by about 40 Mha
increase in plantations. In developed countries, forests increased over the
same period by about 20 Mha through afforestation and natural regeneration on
land no longer in use by agriculture, despite losses of forests to urbanization
and infrastructure development. Loss of native forest in developing countries
(tropical and nontropical) appears to have slowed during 1990-1995, with an
overall loss of about 65 Mha (FAO, 1997a). However, other changes such as fragmentation,
nonsustainable logging of mature forests, degradation, and development of infrastructureall
leading to losses of biomasshave occurred over large areas. Of about 92
Mha of tropical closed forest that underwent a change in cover class during
1980-1990, 10% became fragmented forest and 20% was converted to open forest
or extended forest fallow (FAO, 1996). There are no global estimates of forest
degradation, but data from specific areas give an indication of the extent of
degradation. Logging practices damage and degrade more than 1 Mha yr-1
of forest in the Brazilian Amazon; surface fires (e.g., those in 1998) may burn
large areas of standing forest in these regions (Cochrane et al., 1999; Nepstad
et al., 1999; see also Chapter 14). These authors conclude
that present estimates of annual deforestation for Brazilian Amazonia capture
less than half of the forest area that is impoverished each yearand even
less during years of severe drought. In the boreal zone, there has been continuing
encroachment by agriculture and development of infrastructure (roads, survey
lines, wellheads, etc.) that open access to primary forests. Preliminary estimates
of these effects for Canada, for example, indicate a net loss of 54,000-81,000
ha yr-1 of forest over the period 1990-1998 as a result of various
activities (Robinson et al., 1999).