Scoping Meeting for the IPCC AR5 Synthesis Report 25-27 August 2010, Liege, Belgium |
The AR5 Synthesis Report (SYR) will synthesize and integrate material contained in the three Working Group Reports and Special Reports produced during the 5th or previous Assessment Cycles. It would be written in a "non-technical style suitable for policymakers and address a broad range of policy-relevant, but policy-neutral questions".
At its 30th session held in Antalya, Turkey, in April 2009 the IPCC decided that the scoping of the AR5 Synthesis Report (SYR) would begin with the first scoping meeting, while provisions were also made for a special meeting dedicated to scoping the SYR.
The AR5 Scoping Meeting, held in Venice, Italy, in July 2009 recommended that the Synthesis Report be organized around four major topic areas: Observed Changes and their Causes; Future Changes (in the short and long term); Response, and Transitions and Transformation.
The Scoping Meeting for the AR5 SYR was held in Liege, Belgium, from 25 to 27th August 2010 to further develop scope, structure and content of the SYR. The scoping document resulting from that meeting was submitted for consideration by the Panel at its 32nd Session, held in Busan, Republic of Korea (11-14 October 2010), which agreed on Scope, Content and Process for the Preparation of the Synthesis Report (SYR) of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5).
Key Documentation:
- Draft Agenda and Indicative Schedule (AR5/SYR-SCOP/Doc. 1, Rev. 1)
- Chairman's Vision Paper on the AR5 Synthesis Report (AR5/SYR-SCOP/Doc. 2)
- SYR in Past Assessments - Brief Overview (AR5/SYR-SCOP/Doc. 3)
- Broad Outline of the AR5 Synthesis Report - Output from Scoping meeting for the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the IPCC, Venice, Italy, 13-17 July 2009
(AR5/SYR-SCOP/Doc. 4, Rev.1)
- Key Issues Arising from Government Comments - Summary of Governments' submissions on the Scope of the SYR
(AR5/SYR-SCOP/Doc. 5)
Information (INF) Documentation:
- IPCC Procedures for the Preparation, Review, Adoption and Approval of the Synthesis Report - Relevant provisions from the IPCC Procedures
- Overall Scope and Proposed Broad Outline of the AR5 Synthesis Report - Compilation of submissions from Governments
- Outlines for the three IPCC Working Group Contributions to the AR5 and Concept Notes on Cross-Cutting Issues - Agreed at
the 31st Session of the IPCC, Bali, Indonesia, 26-29 October 2009 (AR5/SYR-SCOP/INF. 3)
- Summary Report of the IPCC Cross-Working Group Meeting on Consistent Evaluation of Uncertainties and Risks
- Development of New Scenarios - Update and progress report on the catalytic role of the IPCC
Additional references provided to the SYR Scoping Meeting:
- Compilation of submissions from Governments and Organizations (AR5-SCOP/INF. 1)
Presentations provided at opening (25 August 2010):
- Presentation by the Secretary of the IPCC - Renate Christ
Part 1 - "IPCC Synthesis Reports - Procedures - History - Format"
Part 2 - "Key messages from Government Comments"
- Presentation by Working Group I Co-Chairs - Thomas Stocker and Qin Dahe -
"Towards IPCC AR5: The Physical Science Basis; Structure of Report and Relevance to SYR"
- Presentation by Working Group II Co-Chairs - Chris Field and Vicente Barros -
"The WGII Contribution to the AR5: Relevance to the Synthesis Report"
- Presentation by Working Group III Co-Chair - Ottmar Edenhofer -
"AR5: Overview and Structure of the WG III Contribution"