5.4 Emission trajectories for stabilisation
In order to stabilise the concentration of GHGs in the atmosphere, emissions would need to peak and decline thereafter. The lower the stabilisation level, the more quickly this peak and decline would need to occur (Figure 5.1). {WGIII 3.3, 3.5, SPM}
Advances in modelling since the TAR permit the assessment of multi-gas mitigation strategies for exploring the attainability and costs for achieving stabilisation of GHG concentrations. These scenarios explore a wider range of future scenarios, including lower levels of stabilisation, than reported in the TAR. {WGIII 3.3, 3.5, SPM}
Mitigation efforts over the next two to three decades will have a large impact on opportunities to achieve lower stabilisation levels (Table 5.1 and Figure 5.1). {WGIII 3.5, SPM}
Table 5.1. Characteristics of post-TAR stabilisation scenarios and resulting long-term equilibrium global average temperature and the sea level rise component from thermal expansion only.a {WGI 10.7; WGIII Table TS.2, Table 3.10, Table SPM.5}
Category | CO2 concentration at stabilisation (2005 = 379 ppm) b | CO2-equivalent concentration at stabilisation including GHGs and aerosols (2005 = 375 ppm)b | Peaking year for CO2 emissionsa,c | Change in global CO2 emissions in 2050 (percent of 2000 emissions) a,c | Global average temperature increase above pre-industrial at equilibrium, using ‘best estimate’ climate sensitivityd, e | Global average sea level rise above pre-industrial at equilibrium from thermal expansion onlyf | Number of assessed scenarios |
| ppm | ppm | year | percent | °C | metres | |
I | 350 – 400 | 445 – 490 | 2000 – 2015 | -85 to -50 | 2.0 – 2.4 | 0.4 – 1.4 | 6 |
II | 400 – 440 | 490 – 535 | 2000 – 2020 | -60 to -30 | 2.4 – 2.8 | 0.5 – 1.7 | 18 |
III | 440 – 485 | 535 – 590 | 2010 – 2030 | -30 to +5 | 2.8 – 3.2 | 0.6 – 1.9 | 21 |
IV | 485 – 570 | 590 – 710 | 2020 – 2060 | +10 to +60 | 3.2 – 4.0 | 0.6 – 2.4 | 118 |
V | 570 – 660 | 710 – 855 | 2050 – 2080 | +25 to +85 | 4.0 – 4.9 | 0.8 – 2.9 | 9 |
VI | 660 – 790 | 855 – 1130 | 2060 – 2090 | +90 to +140 | 4.9 – 6.1 | 1.0 – 3.7 | 5 |
Table 5.1 summarises the required emission levels for different groups of stabilisation concentrations and the resulting equilibrium global average temperature increases, using the ‘best estimate’ of climate sensitivity (see Figure 5.1 for the likely range of uncertainty). Stabilisation at lower concentration and related equilibrium temperature levels advances the date when emissions need to peak and requires greater emissions reductions by 2050. Climate sensitivity is a key uncertainty for mitigation scenarios that aim to meet specific temperature levels. The timing and level of mitigation to reach a given temperature stabilisation level is earlier and more stringent if climate sensitivity is high than if it is low. {WGIII 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, SPM}
Sea level rise under warming is inevitable. Thermal expansion would continue for many centuries after GHG concentrations have stabilised, for any of the stabilisation levels assessed, causing an eventual sea level rise much larger than projected for the 21st century (Table 5.1). If GHG and aerosol concentrations had been stabilised at year 2000 levels, thermal expansion alone would be expected to lead to further sea level rise of 0.3 to 0.8m. The eventual contributions from Greenland ice sheet loss could be several metres, and larger than from thermal expansion, should warming in excess of 1.9 to 4.6°C above pre-industrial be sustained over many centuries. These long-term consequences would have major implications for world coastlines. The long time scale of thermal expansion and ice sheet response to warming imply that mitigation strategies that seek to stabilise GHG concentrations (or radiative forcing) at or above present levels do not stabilise sea level for many centuries. {WGI 10.7}
Feedbacks between the carbon cycle and climate change affect the required mitigation and adaptation response to climate change. Climate-carbon cycle coupling is expected to increase the fraction of anthropogenic emissions that remains in the atmosphere as the climate system warms (see Topics 2.3 and 3.2.1), but mitigation studies have not yet incorporated the full range of these feedbacks. As a consequence, the emission reductions to meet a particular stabilisation level reported in the mitigation studies assessed in Table 5.1 might be underestimated. Based on current understanding of climate-carbon cycle feedbacks, model studies suggest that stabilising CO2 concentrations at, for example, 450ppm could require cumulative emissions over the 21st century to be less than 1800 [1370 to 2200] GtCO2, which is about 27% less than the 2460 [2310 to 2600] GtCO2 determined without consideration of carbon cycle feedbacks. {SYR 2.3, 3.2.1; WGI 7.3, 10.4, SPM}