IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007
Climate Change 2007: Working Group I: The Physical Science Basis

TS.2.5 Net Global Radiative Forcing, Global Warming Potentials and Patterns of Forcing

The understanding of anthropogenic warming and cooling influences on climate has improved since the TAR, leading to very high confidence that the effect of human activities since 1750 has been a net positive forcing of +1.6 [+0.6 to +2.4] W m–2. Improved understanding and better quantification of the forcing mechanisms since the TAR make it possible to derive a combined net anthropogenic radiative forcing for the first time. Combining the component values for each forcing agent and their uncertainties yields the probability distribution of the combined anthropogenic radiative forcing estimate shown in Figure TS.5; the most likely value is about an order of magnitude larger than the estimated radiative forcing from changes in solar irradiance. Since the range in the estimate is +0.6 to +2.4 W m–2, there is very high confidence in the net positive radiative forcing of the climate system due to human activity. The LLGHGs together contribute +2.63 ± 0.26 W m–2, which is the dominant radiative forcing term and has the highest level of scientific understanding. In contrast, the total direct aerosol, cloud albedo and surface albedo effects that contribute negative forcings are less well understood and have larger uncertainties. The range in the net estimate is increased by the negative forcing terms, which have larger uncertainties than the positive terms. The nature of the uncertainty in the estimated cloud albedo effect introduces a noticeable asymmetry in the distribution. Uncertainties in the distribution include structural aspects (e.g., representation of extremes in the component values, absence of any weighting of the radiative forcing mechanisms, possibility of unaccounted for but as yet unquantified radiative forcings) and statistical aspects (e.g., assumptions about the types of distributions describing component uncertainties). {2.7, 2.9}

Global Mean Radiative Forcings

Figure TS.5

Figure TS.5. (a) Global mean radiative forcings (RF) and their 90% confidence intervals in 2005 for various agents and mechanisms. Columns on the right-hand side specify best estimates and confidence intervals (RF values); typical geographical extent of the forcing (Spatial scale); and level of scientific understanding (LOSU) indicating the scientific confidence level as explained in Section 2.9. Errors for CH4, N2O and halocarbons have been combined. The net anthropogenic radiative forcing and its range are also shown. Best estimates and uncertainty ranges can not be obtained by direct addition of individual terms due to the asymmetric uncertainty ranges for some factors; the values given here were obtained from a Monte Carlo technique as discussed in Section 2.9. Additional forcing factors not included here are considered to have a very low LOSU. Volcanic aerosols contribute an additional form of natural forcing but are not included due to their episodic nature. The range for linear contrails does not include other possible effects of aviation on cloudiness. (b) Probability distribution of the global mean combined radiative forcing from all anthropogenic agents shown in (a). The distribution is calculated by combining the best estimates and uncertainties of each component. The spread in the distribution is increased significantly by the negative forcing terms, which have larger uncertainties than the positive terms. {2.9.1, 2.9.2; Figure 2.20}

The Global Warming Potential (GWP) is a useful metric for comparing the potential climate impact of the emissions of different LLGHGs (see Table TS.2). Global Warming Potentials compare the integrated radiative forcing over a specified period (e.g., 100 years) from a unit mass pulse emission and are a way of comparing the potential climate change associated with emissions of different greenhouse gases. There are well-documented shortcomings of the GWP concept, particularly in using it to assess the impact of short-lived species. {2.10}

Table TS.2. Lifetimes, radiative efficiencies and direct (except for CH4) global warming potentials (GWP) relative to CO2. {Table 2.14}


  Global Warming Potential for Given Time Horizon  
Industrial Designation or Common Name (years)  Chemical Formula   Lifetime (years)  RadiativeEfficiency (W m–2 ppb–1)  SAR (100-yr)  20-yr  100-yr  500-yr 
Carbon dioxide  CO2  See belowa  b1.4x10–5  1  1  1  1 
Methanec  CH4  12c  3.7x10–4  21  72  25  7.6 
Nitrous oxide  N2O  114  3.03x10–3  310  289  298  153 
Substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol  
CFC-11  CCl3F  45  0.25  3,800  6,730  4,750  1,620 
CFC-12  CCl2F2  100  0.32  8,100  11,000  10,900  5,200 
CFC-13  CClF3  640  0.25    10,800  14,400  16,400 
CFC-113  CCl2FCClF2  85  0.3  4,800  6,540  6,130  2,700 
CFC-114  CClF2CClF2  300  0.31    8,040  10,000  8,730 
CFC-115  CClF2CF3  1,700  0.18    5,310  7,370  9,990 
Halon-1301  CBrF3  65  0.32  5,400  8,480  7,140  2,760 
Halon-1211  CBrClF2  16  0.3    4,750  1,890  575 
Halon-2402  CBrF2CBrF2  20  0.33    3,680  1,640  503 
Carbon tetrachloride  CCl4  26  0.13  1,400  2,700  1,400  435 
Methyl bromide  CH3Br  0.7  0.01    17  5  1 
Methyl chloroform  CH3CCl3  5  0.06    506  146  45 
HCFC-22  CHClF2  12  0.2  1,500  5,160  1,810  549 
HCFC-123  CHCl2CF3  1.3  0.14  90  273  77  24 
HCFC-124  CHClFCF3  5.8  0.22  470  2,070  609  185 
HCFC-141b  CH3CCl2F  9.3  0.14    2,250  725  220 
HCFC-142b  CH3CClF2  17.9  0.2  1,800  5,490  2,310  705 
HCFC-225ca  CHCl2CF2CF3  1.9  0.2    429  122  37 
HCFC-225cb  CHClFCF2CClF2  5.8  0.32    2,030  595  181 
HFC-23  CHF3  270  0.19  11,700  12,000  14,800  12,200 
HFC-32  CH2F2  4.9  0.11  650  2,330  675  205 
HFC-125  CHF2CF3  29  0.23  2,800  6,350  3,500  1,100 
HFC-134a  CH2FCF3  14  0.16  1,300  3,830  1,430  435 
HFC-143a  CH3CF3  52  0.13  3,800  5,890  4,470  1,590 
HFC-152a  CH3CHF2  1.4  0.09  140  437  124  38 
HFC-227ea  CF3CHFCF3  34.2  0.26  2,900  5,310  3,220  1,040 
HFC-236fa  CF3CH2CF3  240  0.28  6,300  8,100  9,810  7,660 
HFC-245fa  CHF2CH2CF3  7.6  0.28    3,380  1030  314 
HFC-365mfc  CH3CF2CH2CF3  8.6  0.21    2,520  794  241 
HFC-43-10mee  CF3CHFCHFCF2CF3  15.9  0.4  1,300  4,140  1,640  500 
Perfluorinated compounds  
Sulphur hexafluoride  SF6  3,200  0.52  23,900  16,300  22,800  32,600 
Nitrogen trifluoride  NF3  740  0.21    12,300  17,200  20,700 
PFC-14  CF4  50,000  0.10  6,500  5,210  7,390  11,200 
PFC-116  C2F6  10,000  0.26  9,200  8,630  12,200  18,200 

Table TS.2 (continued)

        Global Warming Potential for Given Time Horizon  
Industrial Designation or Common Name (years)   Chemical Formula   Lifetime (years)  RadiativeEfficiency (W m–2 ppb–1)  SAR‡ (100-yr)  20-yr  100-yr  500-yr 
Perfluorinated compounds (continued)  
PFC-218  2,600  0.26  7,000  6,310  8,830  12,500 
PFC-318  3,200  0.32  8,700  7,310  10,300  14,700 
PFC-3-1-10  2,600  0.33  7,000  6,330  8,860  12,500 
PFC-4-1-12  4,100  0.41    6,510  9,160  13,300 
PFC-5-1-14  3,200  0.49  7,400  6,600  9,300  13,300 
PFC-9-1-18  >1,000d  0.56    >5,500  >7,500  >9,500 
trifluoromethyl sulphur pentafluoride 800  0.57    13,200  17,700  21,200 
Fluorinated ethers  
HFE-125  136  0.44    13,800  14,900  8,490 
HFE-134  26  0.45    12,200  6,320  1,960 
HFE-143a  4.3  0.27    2,630  756  230 
HCFE-235da2  2.6  0.38    1,230  350  106 
HFE-245cb2  5.1  0.32    2,440  708  215 
HFE-245fa2  4.9  0.31    2,280  659  200 
HFE-254cb2  2.6  0.28    1,260  359  109 
HFE-347mcc3  5.2  0.34    1,980  575  175 
HFE-347pcf2  7.1  0.25    1,900  580  175 
HFE-356pcc3  0.33  0.93    386  110  33 
HFE-449sl (HFE-7100)  3.8  0.31    1,040  297  90 
HFE-569sf2 (HFE-7200)  0.77  0.3    207  59  18 
HFE-43-10pccc124 (H-Galden 1040x)  6.3  1.37    6,320  1,870  569 
HFE-236ca12 (HG-10)  12.1  0.66    8,000  2,800  860 
HFE-338pcc13 (HG-01)  6.2  0.87    5,100  1,500  460 
PFPMIE  800  0.65    7,620  10,300  12,400 
Hydrocarbons and other compounds – Direct Effects  
Dimethylether  0.015  0.02    1  1  <<1 
Methylene chloride  0.38  0.03    31  8.7  2.7 
Methyl chloride  1.0  0.01    45  13  4 


SAR refers to the IPCC Second Assessment Report (1995) used for reporting under the UNFCCC.

a The CO2 response function used in this report is based on the revised version of the Bern Carbon cycle model used in Chapter 10 of this report (Bern2.5CC; Joos et al. 2001) using a background CO2 concentration value of 378 ppm. The decay of a pulse of CO2 with time t is given by

Where a0 = 0.217, a1 = 0.259, a2 = 0.338, a3 = 0.186, τ1 = 172.9 years, τ2 = 18.51 years, and τ3 = 1.186 years, for t < 1,000 years..

b The radiative efficiency of CO2 is calculated using the IPCC (1990) simplified expression as revised in the TAR, with an updated background concentration value of 378 ppm and a perturbation of +1 ppm (see Section 2.10.2).

c The perturbation lifetime for CH4 is 12 years as in the TAR (see also Section 7.4). The GWP for CH4 includes indirect effects from enhancements of ozone and stratospheric water vapour (see Section 2.10).

d The assumed lifetime of 1,000 years is a lower limit.

For the magnitude and range of realistic forcings considered, evidence suggests an approximately linear relationship between global mean radiative forcing and global mean surface temperature response. The spatial patterns of radiative forcing vary between different forcing agents. However, the spatial signature of the climate response is not generally expected to match that of the forcing. Spatial patterns of climate response are largely controlled by climate processes and feedbacks. For example, sea ice-albedo feedbacks tend to enhance the high-latitude response. Spatial patterns of response are also affected by differences in thermal inertia between land and sea areas. {2.8, 9.2}

The pattern of response to a radiative forcing can be altered substantially if its structure is favourable for affecting a particular aspect of the atmospheric structure or circulation. Modelling studies and data comparisons suggest that mid- to high-latitude circulation patterns are likely to be affected by some forcings such as volcanic eruptions, which have been linked to changes in the Northern Annular Mode (NAM) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) (see Section 3.1 and Box TS.2). Simulations also suggest that absorbing aerosols, particularly black carbon, can reduce the solar radiation reaching the surface and can warm the atmosphere at regional scales, affecting the vertical temperature profile and the large-scale atmospheric circulation. {2.8, 7.5, 9.2}

The spatial patterns of radiative forcings for ozone, aerosol direct effects, aerosol-cloud interactions and land use have considerable uncertainties. This is in contrast to the relatively high confidence in the spatial pattern of radiative forcing for the LLGHGs. The net positive radiative forcing in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) very likely exceeds that in the NH because of smaller aerosol concentrations in the SH. {2.9}